Since 2003, the Hong Kong Red Cross (HKRC) encourages the public to join the “Monthly Donation Program”. Stable donation income makes our humanitarian works sustainable and we can further develop our services effectively, meanwhile, execute our mission “Protect Human Life, Care for the Health of the Vulnerable and Respect Human Dignity”.
Intending to bring together a group of ambitious people, apart from regular donations, to share their care and love to people in need while promoting humanity to people around, “Friends of Red Cross” is found in July 2009.
Annual Brochures Cards Cover Letter with Membership Donation Form E-banner (Gif and Jpg) EDM Icon Envelopes Facebook Posts Merchant Offer Calendar Cards Posters Print Ads RCP Donation Form Showcase Banners Tent Cards TV Wall Website Banners Window Stickers
Website Link

The Hong Kong Red Cross needs to find the annual design partner of the “Friends of the Red Cross”.
Our Vision Creative Web Agency